Hi! I'm Jacob Keisling.
I make websites, inter alia.

That's me, Jacobenquiries@keisling.meendlessreform

About me

I'm working as a developer for Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois, helping to build their sitewide search. My work centers around information retrieval and data engineering, though I also do full-stack development and UX design. For more on my skills and experience, check out my LinkedIn.


See questions for more on this


This website is set in Mona Sans, IBM Plex Mono, and Newsreader typefaces. It's built with Next.js and Tailwind and hosted on Vercel. You can view the source code on my GitHub if you are so inclined.

My sincerest thanks to the thousands of open-source contributors who made this site possible, and the corporate largesse of Meta, GitHub, Vercel, and many more.

Contact me

Please don't hesitate to drop me a line! I'm happy to answer questions or meet up, either on Zoom or in Chicago. You can reach me at contact@keisling.me.


All opinions on this site are my own and do not express the views of my employer. Links do not imply endorsement unless explicitly stated.